Sunday, August 4, 2013

Should Students Critique?

Why Should Students Critique Education? 
When students attend their first year of college, their main concern is regarding their dreams and goals. They want to take classes in order to obtain a degree which in end will hopefully result in a well-paying job. In order to obtain a degree, students must at least attend a few years at a college. Within these few years you can imagine these students will run into some bullshit that they don't care too much for. Let it be an issue with finances or maybe an issue with how a class is taught you can be certain that all students will run into some kind complication and just say to themselves "That's just the way it has to be." It's this care free and lazy mentality that allows these problems to survive even if they're acknowledged by everyone. If your house is on fire you have to do more than just acknowledge it to fix it. Schools all over the United States have declining test scores and everyone is trying to fix it. That is everyone but the students themselves. The students would know better than anyone why they're having problems and they will know what needs to be fixed first. Once students begin to critique the educational process they can then move forward to fix what they believe needs altering. 

Why Should Students Critique Themselves? 
I believe before attempting to accomplish something in life you must first make a plan. If you want to make a cake you must first know the recipe to do so. If you don't know how to make a cake then how the hell are you going to make a cake? It sounds very simplistic, I know, but sometimes people forget this. Many students go into college without an idea of what they want to do and that results in a waste of time, money and worst of all it leaves students thinking they despise school but this feeling is an illusion created by frustration. In the United States our youth typically lack independence from age 0 to 18. Once they turn 18 they are either doing nothing, tossed into the work force or participating in some form of education after high school  Independence is a new concept to try and handle at age 18 so it's no surprise that many student just entering college don't know what they enjoy in life. I believe if a course were to be offered to all freshmen that focused solely on critiquing one's self, these freshmen would thrive for the rest of their years to come at college. Not only would this allow students to dig deeper and realize who they are as a person it will also allow other students to look at themselves and discover what is wrong. Many people look at themselves in disgust everyday but do nothing to change it. Once again, if your cake tastes like shit, you must go back and figure out what went wrong. 

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