Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Focusing the lasers - Response

Focusing The Lasers makes an attempt to break down what kinds of students attend community college in six different categories. The six categories consist of the visitors, wanderers, explorers, seekers, dreamers and the lasers. 

What am I? 
If I had to put myself in a category I would say I'm a laser. I know what I want to do and I know how I'm going to get there. I use to have very poor work habits due to my attitude toward school so to this day I am still trying to improve my work habits and I've gotten a much better attitude about school ever since I started college. Due to the improvements in my work habits and attitude I feel comfortable saying that I can fit under the laser category. I believe my work habits were so poor in high school because I just thought everything I was doing there was just a big waste of time and to this day I still do. High school to me seemed like a giant day care. The school was constantly trying to force some kind of school spirit shit down our throats and they went out of their way to take any amount of independence away from you. If I had to redo it all over again I would have schooled myself and graduated in 2 years to only end up in the exact same place I'm at today just at age of 17. Damn... I should have already got my degree. 

My Plan. Am I happy?
I'm currently in pursuit of my AS in Business because I want to own a business one day. The degree itself doesn't really mean much to me. The only purpose it serves is in the employment field. I know I will have to work for someone in order to start my life. It’s kind of hard to start a business with no finances to speak of. I have no intentions of transferring and that's something that seemed to stick out in the video. It seemed like no matter what category a student was in they all had intentions on transferring to a university. I don't really think it's necessary and it seems like there are a lot of people who despise the idea of furthering their education but they desire to do so because it will look good on a resume. I want to soak up as much as I can possibly can here at Chabot and get the hell outta here as soon as possible to start my life. I look at my time right now as a very precious asset to take advantage of.  If I had the financial resources I would find myself at some large business school or maybe even a technology school due to my interest in computers but that just isn't the case. So I'm doing what I can here at Chabot and I'm doing so without the assistance of any loans or anything that will come bite me in the ass in the future. Every day I'm mentally improving myself and with that said I can say I'm happy with my spot as a laser and I'm on the right path and have no intentions on changing a thing. 

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